AccountingSuite offers the option of printing price tags and labels for Items according to specific templates.
Users can customise label or price tag templates for each Item (for each Item, Lot and UoM combination). E.g., an S sized leather jacket may have a separate barcode from a size M leather jacket.
Follow these steps to Print a label or Price tag:
- Create a Barcode (only if a barcode is required on the printed label / price tag).
- Create Print template for the label / price tag.
- Print the labels / price tags.
To open Print labels and price tags templates please use Sales – Lists – Labels and Print Tags Templates. To print Item’s labels and tags use Sales – Tools – Print Price Tags and Labels.

Create Barcode #
- In the Item Barcode list, click Create
- Click Create.
- Specify the Barcode number.
- Select the Item, Lot and the Unit or Measure.

Item Barcodes list can be accessed from any Item:

Create Price tag or Label Template #
- Navigate to Sales – Lists – Labels and Print tag templates.
- Click Create.
- Enter the Description and click Edit.

4. Use the ‘Import from file’ and ‘Save to file’ buttons to load templates from files or save created templates to the computer hard disk. Select the Grid step and the Standard dimension (in mm) depending on your printer.

5. Add new fields by pressing green button in the upper left corner.
The available field types are Text, Barcode, Picture and More. For each field you can specify the filling method: Constant value or a specific Parameter.
For example, if you always want to print the same text that does not depend on the selected Item, select ‘Field Type’ – ‘Text’, ‘Constant value’ in the ‘Filling method’ field and add this text to the ‘Value’ field.

6. To display the Item description, select ‘Field Type’ – ‘Text’, ‘Filling Method’ – ‘Parameter’ and specify the appropriate requirement in the ‘Value’ field.

7. To add a Barcode, select ‘Field Type’ – ‘Barcode’, and specify a specific barcode type in the ‘Value’ field. The digital barcode itself from Item card will be automatically generated as a picture that can be read by the scanner. Barcode types available are: EAN8. EAN13, EAN128, CODE39, CODE128, Code16k, Code93, PDF417 and other.

Assign Label / Price tag template to the Item #
- The printing templates are assigned to the Item Category, not the Item itself.
- Open the Item Category.
- Specify the Label template and / or the Price tags template.

Print the Labels / Price tags #
Price tags and labels printing can be accessed from:
- the Item itself (under Print button)
- Item receipt (under Print button)
- Bill (under Print button)
- Purchase Order (under Print button)
- Sales – Tools – Print Price Tags and Labels

- Navigate to Print price tags and labels.
- The print list is emply by default. Manually select the Items or use Fill by Filter to fill the list (e.g., by certain Item Category).
- Use the Set button to: select the print template and/ or set the printing quantity. Setting is available for mulitple line items simultaneously.
- Tick Print on standard printer.
- Tick Each lable on a new sheet if required.

5. Click Print.