Required settings #
Withholding functionality can be enabled during the SetupWizard or under Admin Panel – General settings – Taxes.
As per local legislation requirements Withholding tax should be applied upon either invoicing or upon payment. The default setting is to apply the Withholding tax upon invoicing.
If the Withholding tax should be applied upon payment, tick the checkbox.

How to start accounting for Withholding tax #
- Create a new Withholding tax. Please refer to the Create a Tax and Tax rates articles.
- Maintain tax setting in the Vendor. Please refer to the article.
- Set the default accounts for Creditable WHT and WHT liability in the Accounting settings.
After all steps of set up you will have Withholding Tax with different rates in it. Then you need to set up Tax group and Assign Tax group to an Item.

Accounting #
Depending on the setting in the General settings, on whether the Withholding tax should be applied upon payment or upon invocing, the following transactions in the General Journal shall be made.
Withholding applied upon invoicing #
Vendor side #
Document Debit side Amount Credit side Amount Sales invoice Dr Accounts receivable
Dr Creditable WHT1000
Cr Sales
Cr Inventory
Dr Accounts receivable
(set WHT aside of AR)
100Payment received
(no effect on WHT, as WHT
charged upon invoicing)Dr Bank 900
Cr Accounts receivable
900Customer side #
Document Debit side Amount Credit side Amount Bill
Dr Inventory
Dr Accounts payable
(set WHT aside of AP)1000
Cr Accounts payable
Cr WHT Liability
100Bill payment
(no effect on WHT, as WHT
charged upon invoicing)Dr Accounts payable 900
Cr Bank
900WHT payment to tax authority Dr WHT Liability 100
Cr Bank
100Withholding applied upon payment #
Vendor side #
Document Debit side Amount Credit side Amount Sales invoice Dr Accounts receivable
Dr COGS1000
Cr Sales
Cr Inventory
800Payment received Dr Bank account
Dr Creditable WHT900
Cr Accounts payable
1000Cash sale
(WHT liability recorded by Vendor,
as customer is not capable of
withdrawing)Dr Bank
Dr COGS1100
Cr Sales
Cr Inventory
Cr WHT Liability
100Customer side #
Document Debit side Amount Credit side Amount Bill Dr Inventory 1000
Cr Accounts payable
1000Bill payment Dr Accounts payable 1000
Cr Bank
Cr WHT Liability
100WHT payment to tax authority Dr WHT Liability 100
Cr Bank