Navigate to Admin panel – Sales settings. Some of the settings will already be in place if you have successfully run the Setup wizard.
Sales Settings streamline sales processes and ensure accurate financial tracking. Sales settings involve configuring features related to sales transactions, such as:
Shipment #
Enable the Shipment document. This document records an order that was shipped.
Consignment #
Enables the consignment functionality.
A consignment situation is one where your goods are being sold by a third party and that third party has the physical product in their possession. In this scenario:
- The inventory stays on your books and you maintain ownership until sold by the third party.
- The third party reports sales regularly and this is when the sale is recorded rather than the actual moment of sale.
- The consignee is paid a fee for selling the product,
To learn more, please, refer to a separate article.
Dropship from Vendor #
Enables the advanced dropship delivery functionality.
Payment Terms #
Set default terms for sales transactions.
Default Accounts #
Sales Accounts: Assign default accounts for sales.