Introduction #
During software license acquisition, information on computer configuration (key parameters) is gathered for the computer where the license will be installed. If any of the key parameters is changed, you have to restore the software license using an extra PIN code. If multiple licenses are installed on the computer, you have to restore all of them.
List of Key Parameters #
The list of key parameters includes:
- operating system name;
- operating system version (for operating systems of Windows
family, only the first two digits are important); - operating system serial number (only for operating systems of
Windows family); - operating system installation date (only for operating systems of
Windows family); - network name of the computer;
- motherboard model;
- RAM size;
- BIOS type and version;
- list of CPUs with their parameters;
- list of network adapters with their MAC addresses;
- list of hard disks with their parameters.
Using with Virtual Machines #
To use 1C:Enterprise on virtual machines, you have to acquire a software license for each virtual machine. If this case a software license is linked to virtual machine parameters (these parameters are the same as physical computer parameters listed earlier in this document). If you change any of these parameters, you have to restore a license using a new PIN code.
Changing Key Parameters #
When changing key computer parameters, remember the following:
- Adding hardware does not change key parameters but removing hardware does. For example, if a computer had one network adapter installed during license acquisition and then you add another one, you do not have to restore the software license. But if you replace a network adapter, you have to restore the license.
- Increasing RAM size does not change key parameters but reducing it does. For example, if a computer has 2 GB of RAM during license acquisition, then you increase the RAM size to 6 GB, and then reduce it to 4 GB, you do not have to restore the software license. But if you reduce the RAM size to less than 2 GB, you have to restore the license.
- The list of key parameters is checked against their values at the time of license acquisition. You can find information about the latest changes in the copy protection system in the file readme.txt, which is a part of 1C:Enterprise distribution kit.
Conclusion #
The key computer parameters for the 1C:Platform license have been outlined, along with the permissible changes that do not require license restoration.
For the latest updates of the copy protection system refer to the readme.txt file included in the 1C:Enterprise distribution kit. For further details on managing license keys, consult the 1C:Enterprise Software License Acquisition Guide .