Introduction #
This article provides a step-by-step guide for the AccountingSuite server database creation. Make sure you have installed database management system, 1C:Enterprise server, 1C:Enterprise client and 1C:Enterprise licenses (both client and server) before you begin the steps described in this article. You can find detailed step-by-step instructions for the process of installation in the Getting Started-> How to section of the site. For more information refer to the 1C-DN Administration Library. You can also download the following PDF guides:
Step 1: Launch 1C:Enterprise #
- Launch 1C:Enterprise using the 1C:Enterprise Desktop icon.
- Click Add to begin creating a new infobase.
Step 2: Select Create Infobase #
Select Create infobase and click Next.
Step 3: Choose AccountingSuite Template #
Choose the AccountingSuite template and click Next.
Note: If you want to create the AccountingSuite database with initial demo data,
then choose AccountingSuite (demo) template.
Step 4: Select 1C:Enterprise Server #
Select 1C:Enterprise server as the infobase location type, then click Next.
Step 5: Complete the Form #
Complete the form with the following details:
- 1C:Enterprise server cluster: Enter the IP address or domain name of your 1C server.
- Infobase name in the cluster: Provide a suitable name for your new database.
- Secure connection: Disabled (recommended for local, secure networks to optimize performance) or Enabled (for insecure networks where encryption is necessary).
- DBMS type: Specify the type of database server you are using.
- Database server: Provide IP-address or domain name of your database server.
- Database name: Assign a suitable name to your new database.
- Database user: Enter the user credentials for the database.
Click Next to proceed.
Step 6: Finalize the Installation Process #
When prompted, click Finish to complete the installation process.
If you have got License not found error, use How to acquire 1C:Enterprise software licenses guide.
Conclusion #
We have created AccountingSuite server database. For more information about managing server solutions based on 1C Enterprise Platform, see the articles on You can download PDF files 1C:Enterprise Administrator Guide and 1C:Enterprise Administrator Guide. Client/Server Mode.